Monday, December 8, 2008

Who Are We?

Who are we, and what does our interest in metaphysical matters say about us? It could safely be said that we're people who don’t necessarily accept what we’re told. In many cases we intuitively know there’s more to something than what we’ve been told, and we seek to find what that “more” is. There’s a “knowing” involved that extends far beyond what we hear.

Spirituality is a good example. Although many accept the mainstream religious interpretations of God, for some of us the conventional explanation is lacking at best. At worst, it seems shallow and controlling. We know within ourselves that there’s much more to God and the nature of reality than what we’re told.

Often this means we strike out on our own in search of our own Truth. We attract others of a similar persuasion and learn with and from them. Much reading and listening commonly take place. Seemingly endless discussions ensue, as we try to get a grasp of how things really work.

Ours is typically a personal path within a community of other seekers. As our ideas and concepts evolve, we may decide to apply what we’ve learned to improve ourselves and help others. Some of us realize that yes, we can act as a conduit for God’s healing energy, and we become healers. Others step onto the path of enlightenment. The personal work, the Great Work, can impact people to the point they become teachers (like Eckhart Tolle), or intuitives and channelers.

So, who are you? Could you be described as a spiritual being in physical lesson? Are you becoming the Master you’ve always been in Spirit, bringing that Mastership to Earth? That is indeed who you are. And to some degree you’re conscious of it, or you wouldn’t be here reading this.

Peace to all.

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